Dandy Dungeon Wiki

Yamada's Mind can be accessed from Yamada's Apartment by tapping on Yamada. Doing so closes the Debug Menu (if already open) and brings up a thought bubble with the following options.


This opens a map which reflects the player's progress in Dandy Dungeon 1.

Yamanote Stations[]

This opens a map which reflects the player's progress in Dandy Dungeon 2. It is only available after the player has completed Dandy Dungeon 1.

Monster Shelf[]

This opens a shelf which archives the Monsters the player's Hero has defeated.

Dandy Collections[]

This opens a shelf which archives the Dandy Collections unlocked by the player.


This opens a list of cutscenes which the player has unlocked. It is only available after the player has purchased the Memobot.

Cleaning Stamps[]

This opens a calendar which reflects the progress of the current number of logins to the game for the daily bonus reward system.

Yamada News[]

This opens a twitter interface in-game to allow the player to browse for Twitter posts with the #dandydungeon.

Leave Room[]

This prompts the player to confirm returning to the Title Screen.


This gives the player access to several settings and administrative support options:

  • BGM volume adjustment
  • SFX volume adjustment
  • Yamada energy notifications
  • Garbage notifications
  • Fun Bug Mosaic - censors this monster
  • Reacquire resources - make a complete reload of the game. (Take a long time useful to repair a bug.)
  • Terms of Service
  • Support
    • FAQ
    • Suggestions for the Dandy Dungeon team
    • Report an Issue
    • Billing Issues